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Start at the End

by Amanda Davis, Guest Blogger

Andrew Stanton illustrating WALL-E. Photo: LA Times

Ever wanted to know the best way to tell a story creatively? Start at the end. Andrew Stanton, Pixar filmmaker for the great films like Toy Story and WALL-E, started his TEDTalk by explaining that he was going to tell you how he got to where he was today on that stage, but wanted to start at the end. One thing that we must remember when telling a story creatively is the ability to capture the audience, to really pull someone into the story, to make them care. By doing this not only make the story something that progresses forward and keep someone’s attention, but it also gives the opportunity for the story to be remembered and passed on.

Theatre Action Project, as a non-profit arts organization, has the ability to tell these stories through the heart and mouths of the children that they teach. They take the opportunity to creatively form a story that makes you care about the cause and the minds of the children that participate. They do this through images, performances and even through the ordinary words of life. Take the time to appreciate a good story, and tell one of your own. As Andrew Stanton said, “The greatest story commandment is: Make me care.” Tell your story to inspire, to create, lead your story to the understanding that it matters.

Amanda Davis is a former AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer who served Theatre Action Project from 2011 to 2012.

About creativeactionaustin

We are based in Austin, Texas and reach more than 16,000 young people every year through our unique blend of theatre and education programs.Our programs expose young people to critical social problems and offer opportunities for them to creatively think about how they can be a part of solutions to these problems. Creative Action is a unique blend of art and education – for us, the two are intertwined. We believe that using the arts as a teaching method provides a fun, engaging and inspiring way to learn – it incorporates the whole mind and body.

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