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Finding Creativity in the Unexpected

by Amanda Davis, Marketing Associate VISTA

As the cool autumn wind blew on my face this morning, I was reminded that it is almost time for Halloween. I have always been a huge fan of Halloween, getting to dress up and try out being a different character was always something that I looked forward to, even when I got to college. As a child my costumes were determined by my parents and usually was something we could make from something around the house and in college my costumes were all about what I already had in the closet and could make look spectacular while still being extremely frugal with my money (aka cheap).

My Favorite College Halloween Costume

I took on many wonderful persona’s and costumes for my college Halloween’s, ranging anywhere from Alice in Wonderland to being a simple Camp Counselor. But one of my favorite costumes was from my sophomore year. Every year, at Benedictine, we had a Halloween dance and that year I wasn’t planning on dressing up as anything or even going. When we finally all (my roommates) decided to go to the Halloween dance, I couldn’t figure out what to be until I had a brink of creativity hit me; why not dress up as my favorite animal, a penguin. But what did I have in my closet that would allow me to be this amazing animal? And then that artistic creativity hit me. I hustled around my suite and grabbed a black hoodie, black sweat pants and a pair of orange converse shoes. My costume was almost complete, but now I needed a beak. My roommate (who we called my “Suite Mom”) helped me create a beak out of a marker colored orange paper plate. I then attached elastic to it and painted my face black. My costume was now complete, and because I had painted the elastic band from the beak to my face when I talked the beak moved. I have to admit, that still to this day this costume has to be one of my favorite ever.

So you may ask why I’m bringing up a costume that I made in my college days and talking about it on the TAP blog. Well everyday that I come to work, I walk past our amazing craft section of fabrics and paints and even paper plates and am reminded that some of the best costumes can come from the unexpected things in everyday life. I love watching the magnificent things Teaching Artist make out of the ordinary and how through this they are teaching all about how to be a Creative Artist.

Do you have any fun, homemade Halloween costumes and pictures that you would like to share? We would love to see them. Have a wonderful, cool weekend and have fun creating.

About creativeactionaustin

We are based in Austin, Texas and reach more than 16,000 young people every year through our unique blend of theatre and education programs.Our programs expose young people to critical social problems and offer opportunities for them to creatively think about how they can be a part of solutions to these problems. Creative Action is a unique blend of art and education – for us, the two are intertwined. We believe that using the arts as a teaching method provides a fun, engaging and inspiring way to learn – it incorporates the whole mind and body.

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